How to Email a Recruiter

Writing emails to a college coach can be hard and daunting, but it is a vital step in the recruiting process. If you are trying to go to Division I college, I suggest starting writing emails in 8th or 9th grade. These emails let the coaches know that you are interested in their school so they can look at you. College coaches get multiple emails from prospective athletes every day so this how-to guide will help you write a clean and professional email to the school of your dreams. Continue reading

The College Athlete Experience

Do I even want to play sports in college? We ask ourselves this question while running that sixth lap around the track, legs aching, body sweating, longing for a sweet sip of cool water. At least that’s how it went for me…But as you can see in the end I answered yes to this question and it was one of the best decisions I ever made.  Continue reading

11 Things a Potential College Athlete Should Know

Coming upon my senior year of D3 college softball at UTD, I’ve reflected upon all my memories and thought you should know eleven of the biggest takeaways I got from my experiences as a student-athlete. They are in the order I learned about them when going through my first year of college. Some I have done and some I only wished I knew to do. Since I was the first of my siblings to play in college, there were so many things I had to find out on my own. But nonetheless, I have enjoyed my time here at UTD and only hope that this advice will help those that are thinking of playing or are already committed to playing. If you have already been through it, reminisce with me.  Continue reading